Hot Button Merch

Hot Button Merch is a brand created by Cadmus Publishing. We specialize in merchandise and items featuring designs crafted by incarcerated artists. Our mission goes beyond merely being a marketplace; we are a community committed to empowering and uplifting individuals in prison through creativity and entrepreneurship.

Every item in our catalog is a testament to the talent and resilience of our artists. By providing a platform for their artwork, we offer them a chance to find fulfillment and achieve financial empowerment. For every sale made, the artist receives a royalty, directly benefiting from their creative efforts.

We believe in the power of artistic expression as a tool for positive change. Our initiative fosters a sense of achievement and hope among incarcerated individuals, helping them to build a better future. We invite you to explore the unique designs available on our platform and support the artists behind them.

Cadmus Publishing

We represent over 300 authors in prison and 90% of our staff have been in prison or are in prisons. We publish books, music, magazines and provide a full range of admin services for people in prisons.

Our goal is to provide an equal playing field for authors in prison. You see, Inmate authors have zero access to the internet, to their profile pages on Amazon, to social media unless a friend or family member does it for them. People in prisons, Inmates, prisoners have no affordable alternatives to promote their creative talents until now.

At Cadmus Publishing, we are passionate about unlocking creative potential and providing meaningful opportunities for all. With that vision in mind, we created HotButtonMerch (HBM) to offer prisoners the chance to express their artistic talents and better prepare for their reentry into society.